3rd “Public Transport” Day of the Saarland Chamber of Labour - QuattroPole
On 1 September 2017, the QuattroPole cities of Luxembourg, Metz, Saarbrücken and Trier presented their urban modes of transport during the 3rd “Public Transport” Day of the Saarland Chamber of Labour (Arbeitskammer des Saarlandes). Following the presentation of the Luxembourg tramway project and of the Metz Mettis, discussions focused particularly on financial arrangements for public transport put in place in the QuattroPole cities, and especially on the “versement transport” (transport funding), a French initiative to fund public transport through a local tax on companies.
On 20 September 2016, Metz played host to the representatives of the European Commission in charge of European transport corridors, Mr Peter Balazs and Mr Carlo Secchi, at a conference on cross-border mobility. Discussions focused on transporting passengers and goods within and outside the region, especially through the QuattroPole cities. Following a discussion about best practice with the Franco-Spanish cross-border region, current challenges and the various European financing methods for infrastructure construction were raised. This conference highlighted the growing willingness of QuattroPole to make its contribution to the development of cross-border mobility of both passengers and goods by rail.
With a view to supporting improvements to transport both inside and outside the Greater Region, QuattroPole takes part in major events:
QuattroPole is participating in the Interreg V A Greater Region project “Territorial Development Plan for the Greater Region” in its capacity as a methodological operator. The network of cities takes part in the biannual working meetings to ensure that the voices of Luxembourg, Metz, Saarbrücken and Trier are heard during the project planning stage.
QuattroPole is monitoring the progress of the Interreg V A Greater Region project “The Multimodal Model for Cross-Border Mobility” (MMUST), being managed by the Tonicités network, within which the cities of Luxembourg and Metz are represented.